12 Recorded Sessions
Topics include:
- Aspects of the new heaven & new earth--Abundance, Life, Time, Finance, Immortality, etc.
- Quantum Entanglement
- Maturity, Perfection, Sovereignty
- Stepping into your highest purpose
- Engaging the Cloud of Witnesses
- Dying daily
- Spiritual trading
- Much more!

Teaching & Activations
Each 45-60 minute session includes:
- Teaching from Katharine & Don
- Covers 1-3 chapters of the book each session
- Activation to bring radical life change
- Q&A (sessions are recorded so you hear the responses to questions posed by the live audience)

Online Community
Access a private online chat space:
- Connect with people worldwide
- Ask questions to the community or post comments
- Form relationships
- Community includes whose who have taken or are taking the course
- Exclusive space for the Salem Mentoring Group
#1 New Release on Amazon in 4 categories
The King of Salem
by Katharine Wang & Don Joseph
What if you could be part of the greatest age to ever open on earth? Find your place on earth now and for eons to come.
Get the book

Salem Mentoring Testimony
I had such a glorious encounter. That was the beginning of an acceleration in my understanding of who I am.

Salem Mentoring Testimonies
- I experienced a string of fresh revelations I’m sure were influenced by receiving from both Don and Katharine :)

Salem Mentoring Testimony
- This class was a red carpet into places I did not know about in the Heavenlies. I now have a pass to explore and introductions to many Heavenly Beings and people I am excited to deepen my relationships with. For this I am very grateful to you both!

Salem Mentoring Testimony
The personal stories Don and Katharine shared in the Mentoring Group further unpacked what was being communicated initially the book. It was beautiful to see who both of you are, your willingness, honesty and love of YHWH, those in His realm, and for us.

Salem Mentoring Testimony
- I prayed that Yahweh would show me what he is doing right at the moment and that he would connect me with the forerunners on the front of his kingdom, and with this course he did.

Salem Mentoring Testimony
- The impartations from the course have opened a series of revelations I'm stepping into

Salem Mentoring Testimony
It opened up a realm that is so real. . . . It hits the very fabric of my spirit, the innermost depths of the marrow of my bones, the many places deep inside. . . . I now understand things I didn't before. One of Don's activations must have shifted my understanding in a deeper, more abstract way.

Salem Mentoring Testimony
- The most valuable part of the class for me was the spiritual exercises/activations done at the end of the sessions, especially those connected with soul issues.

Amazon Book Review
Wow! Wow! Wow! This is more than a book. This is a living manuscript - a portal beyond words just awe beauty and invitation of a new epoch

Amazon Book Review
I have never read such an amazing and life giving book. Literally i lived everything the authors were writing.

Amazon Book Review
Thrilling! The wonderful revelations within this true story of visions, are also shared in a beautiful manner, making it a captivating story.
I definitely recommend the read!

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